Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sorta sad...

This Sunday, Dec. 5th is the birthday of my oldest daughter, Sarah- whe would be 26.  She lives in heaven, but some day I will get a chance to spend an eternity with her.  For some reason this year is especially hard for me.  I remember her sweet little face and how unbearable it was when she died in my arms.  Her little damaged heart only beat for five days.   I continued to hold her for an hour after she had died.  The nurses waited patiently, but I couldn't give her to them...seemed as though she would cease to exist if I did, so I just held on to her.  I finally realized that I could give her to her father to hold and he could give her little body to the nurses.  I had wanted to be a mom more than anything in the have a little child call me "mama" and look at me with the all-encompassing love that little children reserve for their mommy.  Going home empty-handed was one of hardest days of my life.  I have lately realized that I don't know what she thinks is funny...don't know if she loves butterflies or what kind of music she likes best. A mom should know those things.  We never got to blow bubbles or walk hand-in-hand, and she never twirled my hair around her little finger as she fell asleep.  I know the most exciting thing about heaven is being with God, but I sure look forward to getting to know my little Sarah Catherin.  Anyway, this is just a really hard, tearful time as her birthday approaches this year...much more than usual.
I don't talk about it to anyone, because I can' I thought I'd just write and see if it helps.  It is so hard to do this, though.  Happy Birthday little Sarah.


  1. Just so you know, I think she would like boring elevator music just like you and she would definitely have a warped sense of humor like the rest of us :)

    I love you, Mom... I cried for you when I read this.

  2. Twenty-six years is a long time to carry sadness by yourself. I am so thankful you were able to write some of it out. I pray that you will continue to find a way to release your pain. Nothing is more heartbreaking than loosing a child, however, your faith will see you through. This life is just a breath compared to eternity, and in the right season, you will be walking hand-in-hand with your sweet little Sarah. Until then, I am here for you anytime friend.

  3. Thank you for writing this and sharing precious little Sarah with us. You have been entrusted with a sacred testimony and I am sure Heaven is all the more sweeter to you because you have a treasure up there waiting for you.
    We love you and are praying for you...

  4. I think she would have played the violin.. and liked art, and been a dog person. I don't know why, but that's what I have always thought.
